on my website. I am currently working in the ministry of economics of North Rhine-Westphalia, specifically on the topics labour market policy, social policy, demography and integration.
Before that I have been leading the department for the changing nature of work and its interdependencies with societal changes (demographic change, globalization, digitization) at the Hans Boeckler Stiftung. How does technological change such as digitization influence working conditions? Does demographic change entail higher demand for employees and leads, via higher salaries, to a decrease in social inequality?
In my scientific career, I have studied the intersection of economic developments and demographic change as a senior research fellow in the international project “Life Course and Family Dynamics in a Comparative Perspective”. The project was situated at the Technical University Chemnitz, Germany and was conducted in cooperation with the Universities of Princeton (USA), Peking University (China), University College London (Great Britain) and Erasmus University Rotterdam (The Netherlands).
I received my doctoral training in the graduate program of the International Max Planck Research School on the Social and Political Constitution of the Economy (IMPRS–SPCE) of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies and the University of Cologne. During my PhD, I was a visiting scholar at the Université de Lausanne (UNIL) (Switzerland) in 2012. In spring 2017, I have been a guest researcher at the Erasmus University Rotterdam (The Netherlands). I am mainly conducting research in the fields of economic sociology and family sociology and have acquired large experience in quantitative and qualitative methods, data preparation and data harmonization.
I am always interested in learning about nice visualizations of data analysis, in getting to know new methods and in interdisciplinary teamwork. Here, I share my ideas on data analysis and visualization. Have a look and have fun!